Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

3 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 45030
Author(s): Archambeau, Nicole,
Title : Bertranda Bertomieua and the Death of King Robert of Naples, 1343
Source: Souls under Siege: Stories of War, Plague, and Confession in Fourteenth-Century Provence. Nicole Archambeau .   Cornell University Press, 2021.  Pages 21 - 37. Available with a subscription from JSTOR: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7591/j.ctv12sdw0s.9
Year of Publication: 2021.

2. Record Number: 6459
Author(s): Lokaj, Rodney J.
Title : La Cleopatra Napoletana: Giovanna d'Angiò nelle "Familiares" di Petrarca [almost all contemporary writings speak badly of Giovanna I of Naples; Boccaccio is a partial exception, but Petrarca's letters contrast Giovanna's reign with that of her grandfather Robert, to her disadvantage; the poet also contrasts Giovanna's weak character with the strengths shown by Maria of Pozzuoli, both of them beset by hostile kin; Petrarca compared Maria to Camilla, Virgil's Italian Amazon, while in the "Familiares" he consistently compared Giovanna and her court to the scandalous Cleopatra and her courtiers].
Source: Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana , 177., ( 2000):  Pages 481 - 521.
Year of Publication: 2000.

3. Record Number: 1367
Author(s): Paladilhe, Dominique.
Title : La tragique destinée de la reine Jeanne [Jeanne tried to hold the kingdom of Naples and Provence, but through four marriages produced no heirs; her young cousin and heir apparent, Charles de Duras, imprisoned Jeanne and had her killed. Article does not include footnotes or bibliography of sources consulted].
Source: Historia , 580., (avril 1995):  Pages 48 - 53.
Year of Publication: 1995.